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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hillary Clinton Revives Hillarycare, Opposes HSAs

Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 11:20 p.m. EST


Sen. Hillary Clinton is reviving her disastrous health care reform crusade, saying she intends to "fix" President Bush's Medicare prescription drug plan, then adding: "I'm determined to do the same with access to affordable health care as well."

In an email sent to supporters on Monday, the former first lady blasts Bush's proposal for private health savings accounts, warning: "Just as they did with their Medicare Drug bill, the Bush Administration is putting the special interests first and wishing everybody else the best of luck."

Clinton declared that she knows a thing or two about the subject at hand, reminding: "Now, I've had some experience with health care. I know that making health care more accessible for every American family will not be easy."

Then, in rhetoric that could have been lifted from her 1994 Hillarycare campaign, Mrs. Clinton complained:

"There are now over 45 million uninsured Americans. There are over 13 million uninsured children . . . Premiums are rising at over twice the rate of inflation and the number of employers offering coverage is dropping."

In another Hillarycare flashback, Mrs. Clinton tells her supporters: "This is a national crisis and a flat-out moral failing."

The top Democrat announced that she's "hosting a roundtable on health care this week in Rochester, New York -- the first in a series" - and asked her supporters to email her office with their own health care horror stories.

Hillary concludes her health care missive by declaring: "We need to make sure all Americans and their representatives know the truth about how our present health care policies are impacting you and your family."


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